Our Services


We offer enjoyable therapeutic exercise, rehabilitation and pain management programs that will help you find the spring in your step.

Occupational Therapy

An OT can add value to your life with therapy to improve your physical and personal independence. She can also make arrangements for assistive equipment and home modifications.

NDIS Participants

We work with self-managed and plan managed NDIS participants to help you live your best life.

Women's Health

We encourage women to be proactive about their bladder control, bone density and balance in mid life to optimise their course of ageing. Join our BBB classes!

How We’re Different

We help you play the long game

We understand how the body and brain ages.
We can explain what to expect and how you can stay one step ahead of it with a strategic lifespan approach.

We empower you with knowledge 

Knowledge is power, and with it you can shape your future. This applies equally to our clients with and without existing disabilities. 

We care about what you care about

Ultimately you decide what you do with your life, with your time and with the knowledge you learn from us.
Your goals are our goals.  We will support you to achieve them.

We nurture communities

Connection is everything. It’s one of the strongest long term predictors of health and wellbeing. Just ask us, and it would be our pleasure to introduce you to a like-minded exercise buddy or an exercise group. 

Our practice changes when the evidence changes 

We invest lots of time and money in professional development to keep up with the science that informs our practice. If new evidence unfolds that relates to your condition, we’ll be the first to hear about it, and you’ll be the second.