Home Visiting Physiotherapists & Occupational Therapists

We provide in-home Physio & OT services throughout Brisbane, Queensland. We pride ourselves on being a small, personal practice.

We like to think big but act local, supporting our community through convenient, local and affordable services. For example:

  • We use low-cost community venues such as bowls clubs to deliver our group exercise programs
  • We foster community connections, introducing like-minded clients to one another to promote motivation, connectedness and enjoyment
  • We hire local experts; our clinicians have all graduated from local universities and they value serving the communities they love

At Next Step Health we consider ourselves all part of one bigger family.

Home Visiting in Brisbane

Accommodation Types we Service

Our clinicians are mobile, so we visit you wherever you are. This includes:

  • Apartments or houses
  • Shared accommodation
  • Supported living accommodation
  • Independent living units
  • Residential aged care facilities
  • Rental properties

We are University Trained, Professional & Personable

We understand the value of human connection, so we choose clinicians who are not only expert practitioners but who also value honest, clear communication, and who will go the extra mile to support a client’s needs.

Our team of clinicians are all personable, genuine, caring and inquiring when it comes to patient care.

A female occupational therapist of Asian descent works with a cheerful senior female as she does exercises on an exercise ball. She is helping steady her as she holds her arms out.

Senior woman with physical therapist

Measuring the Effectiveness of Therapy

At the beginning of someone’s rehabilitation journey, their current capabilities will be observed and measured. This helps us understand our client’s strengths and weaknesses, and ensures we don’t miss any critical information. The assessment also points to a clearer direction when we plan a course of treatment with the client.

We like to revisit those assessments throughout the rehabilitation process. We will compare results and keep the client informed as to how they’re tracking; whether they have achieved improvement or have declined since the initial appointment.

This process can be very motivating when it comes to helping people stay committed to a rehabilitation plan. It also lets us know if a rehabilitation plan isn’t as effective as we had hoped, so we can review it together and decide if we need to change our approach.

Read a Home Visit Success Story

We were recently contacted about by a client who was suffering from suspected benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). This is a condition in which small particles in the inner ear become dislodged, which can have symptoms of varying severity. For some, it may make them feel “a little giddy”, while another person might experience nausea, vomiting and difficulty standing among other things.

This client was so unwell that they could not travel to the GP; the GP recommended contacting us for a bedside assessment of his vestibular system in his home.

We were able to arrange a same-day Physiotherapist home visit, which included:

  • A specialised test called the Hallpike-Dix test to confirm the condition
  • Treatment through administering an Epley manoeuvre (a specialized manoeuvre that moves the whole body and head in a certain way and at a certain velocity to settle the particles in the inner ear).
  • Providing essential information about how to manage the condition, together with follow up exercises

The outcome of this was an immediate improvement for the client in relation to balance, dizziness and the ability to tolerate turning and getting in and out of bed. He was able to walk around his home.

We have since scheduled a couple of follow up appointments to manage the client’s balance recovery and monitor the BPPV. In the meantime, he is back doing the things he wants to do, including training for triathlons.

Home Visit FAQ

  • Can you provide healthcare for people who don’t own their property?


    This is typically only a relevant topic when considering home modifications.

    Our Physiotherapists & Occupational Therapists will consider all circumstances and can make recommendations that are more likely to be accepted by a landlord.

    We can also work with the Department of Housing if a client is living in accommodation managed by the Department.

  • Do your staff undertake professional development?

    Yes. All of our clinicians undertake funded professional development courses regularly; it is something we value very highly.

    Our team meetings include clinical discussion topics, and we also champion regular professional development through industry podcasts and journals.

  • Can I call you if I have a question or concern?

    Yes, absolutely. The best way to contact us is to call during business hours and leave a message.

    Please keep in mind that our Physiotherapists or Occupational Therapists will often be treating another patient and will not be able to answer the phone immediately; leaving a message means they will return the call at an appropriate time when they are available to chat.

  • What exercises will we do?

    An initial assessment will determine the client’s current capabilities and provide an opportunity to set meaningful goals. When it comes to developing an appropriate treatment program, we always work with evidence-based treatments.

    From a Physiotherapy perspective, some clients will require a series of hands-on exercise sessions, while others may simply need information in order to undertake their own exercises.

    From an Occupational Therapy perspective, a treatment plan could include anything from developing a plan to help you manage symptoms such as memory loss or fatigue, or arranging for significant home modifications and assistive equipment.

    These determinations will be made by our clinicians and discussed with you as the plan develops.

  • Can I choose the time for the home visit?

    Yes. We are available for home visits from Monday to Friday, but arrangements can sometimes be made for weekend visits.

    For clients who are having regular Physiotherapy appointments, we aim for the same time each week in order to minimise disruption to your schedule.

    While we always prioritise our clients’ preferences, in cases where an initial appointment is needed urgently we may not have the ideal time available.